Simple protein balls

Try out this super simple vegan friendly energy balls – the best homemade alternative to shop bought snacks! You can adjust the ingredients according to taste, the stickier you like it the more dates you’ll need to use. Steps:

Simple Sauerkraut

One of the simplest fermented foods you can make at home with minimal ingredients is sauerkraut. This is a popular cabbage dish across central and eastern Europe. Fermentation is a great way to not only preserve vegetables but feed your gut with good bacteria that you can eat all year round. Unlike other fermented foods,…

Veg Centrepiece: Cajun spiced Broccoli steak

Not the most loved vegetable and difficult to think of ways to serve it without overcooking/ boiling or burning the tip of florets in the oven. But did you know you can now have this green monster as your vegetable centrepiece by infusing it in some mouth-watering flavours. I recently had a cooking class with…

Veg Centrepiece: Cauliflower steak

Cauliflowers have become increasingly popular and I’m very glad they have as it’s such a versatile vegetable. You can use it in curries, to make sauces, grain-free rice, pan-fried sides, crispy roasted and baked. This is a simple recipe for a Cajun spiced cauliflower steak: Making the marinade: X2 tablespoons ground mixed cajun spice X…

Spinach Mushroom Avocado Toast

This is becoming one of my favourite weekend breakfasts (anything that requires the hob at the moment is only reserved for the weekends). I’m sure if you’ve had an avocado toast before, and if you haven’t this one is one of the simplest yet full of flavours and nutrients. I’m trying to add more nutrients…

Anti-Inflammatory Shot

Ginger – Turmeric – Shot We all know both turmeric and ginger are good for you, but do you know why? They are closely related as plants and commonplace in South and South East Asia to flavour foods but also used medicinally. Despite having abundant access to it in the West, we are starting to…

Simple protein balls

Try out this super simple vegan friendly energy balls – the best homemade alternative to shop bought snacks! You can adjust the ingredients according to taste, the stickier you like it the more dates you’ll need to use. Steps: Yummy!

A colourful porridge bowl

There’s just something very cosy about a warm porridge bowl filled with goodness! This is one of my favourite breakfasts, and as Ramadan is around the corner, this will certainly play a big role during Iftar. I alternate breakfast and add different toppings depending on my mood and how much time I have to prepare….

Gaziantep Food Trail

I recently spent some time sampling some of the best cuisines in Turkey. The UNESCO world heritage site and gastronomic capital of Turkey, Gaziantep sits in the South Eastern region of the country (not too far from Syria). I’ve been longing to come here since I saw a clip of Rick Stein in a Beyran…

Leftover Recipe: Special fried rice

Leftover food -waste no more with this super simple set of instructions for your leftover rice and veg. The secret really is the base ingredients and spices so whatever vegetables you have leftover whether it is fresh or frozen will work. Main ingredients: Leftover Rice (around 300g-400g) Vegetables (use a variety of different colours if…