
Behind Halal Foodie Travel

Hi all, I’m Asia [Aaseeyah] …

A big foodie and a keen traveler, I wanted to share some of my wonderful experience of travelling abroad as a Muslim woman in today’s climate and some of my favourite foods from around the world.

As a conscious individual with a passion for good food, it can be very frustrating to see ‘halal’ food associated with poor butchering practices and ‘fried chicken‘. Sadly the rise in chicken shops in urban cities like London doesn’t help. But one of my many aims is to debunk the ‘halal’ misconception that some people have by providing you with great recipes where meat is not centerpiece (yes I will provide you some plant based alternatives) also to raise awareness of Islamic concepts of halal & tayyib where meat is concerned.

I fully understand that lone female travelling is still a sensitive issue amongst many Muslims and highly debatable so I won’t be referring to any sheikhs here, just giving you some friendly advice on Muslim-friendly travel destinations and the many reasons to visit!!