Simple protein balls

Try out this super simple vegan friendly energy balls – the best homemade alternative to shop bought snacks!

  • Dates (12-15 any type or mixed variety) – full of energy and the sugars will help bind all ingredients together
  • 2 tbsp ground almonds or almond flour (you can crush some yourself very finely)
  • 1 tbsp ground seeds (pumpkin, linseed/flaxseed, sunflower)
  • Desiccated coconut (2-4 tbsp)
  • Ground pistachio nuts (optional)

You can adjust the ingredients according to taste, the stickier you like it the more dates you’ll need to use.


  1. Deseed all the dates and mash together using a blender or mortar/pestle
  2. All almonds and seeds (if using whole, use a processor to mill)
  3. Mix all ingredients together ensuring even distribution and not too thick/patchy in some places
  4. You should now have a paste like texture, if it’s too sticky add some more ground almond nut
  5. Now use your hands to roll into small/ medium size balls (depending on how you like them)
  6. Finally dip in either desiccated coconut, ground pistachio or other seeds/nuts until covered – this helps the balls from sticking together if stored in container.
  7. Enjoy straight away or store in fridge for up to a week.

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