Veg Centrepiece: Cajun spiced Broccoli steak

Not the most loved vegetable and difficult to think of ways to serve it without overcooking/ boiling or burning the tip of florets in the oven. But did you know you can now have this green monster as your vegetable centrepiece by infusing it in some mouth-watering flavours.

I recently had a cooking class with food writer David Bez, author of Salad Pride and picked up some amazing tips on how to make the best of your veggies!

This is how you spice up your broccoli

Making the marinade:

  • X3 tablespoons ground mixed cajun spice
  • X 1-2 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • X2 teaspoon smoked paprika or normal parika
  • X1 teaspoon of medium ground chilli
  • X6 crushed or thinly diced garlic cloves
  • Juice of half a lemon/ lemon (add a little zest towards the end)
  • 1-2 teaspoon salt
  • X6 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and adjust measurements to your preference (sample marinade and adjust accordingly).

  • Cut broccoli in half and remove all the stalk
  • Wash thoroughly
  • Massage marinade all over it (covering all the nooks and crannies, use a teaspoon for any small holes, add more seasoning if needed)
  • Wrap broccoli steak in foil or baking paper and put in a baking tray into a pre-heated oven on gas mark 6 for approximately 40 minutes
  • Once broccoli has been cooked remove the foil partially and put back into the oven on gas mark 4 for another 10-15 minutes until the outer layer is a little brown
  • The edges should be brown and crispy, if not put back in oven for another 5-10mins with foil fully removed on gas mark 3 or 4 (you want crispy but not burnt)!
  • Serve hot or allow it to cool, great with beans or a even with white rice as a small side  
  • Sprinkle fresh coriander on top


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