Spinach Mushroom Avocado Toast

This is becoming one of my favourite weekend breakfasts (anything that requires the hob at the moment is only reserved for the weekends). I’m sure if you’ve had an avocado toast before, and if you haven’t this one is one of the simplest yet full of flavours and nutrients.

I’m trying to add more nutrients into my breakfasts; here’s some facts to get you eating more greens in the morning.

Spinach: one of my favourite leafy greens full of goodness, I try and incorporate some form of it daily. It’s a great way to get your plant-based iron alongside antioxidants, vitamins A and C as well as vitamin K and Calcium for your bones. It’s a great source of insoluble fibre, absorbs flavour very well and goes with almost anything!


Although different mushrooms have different properties, but in general they are one of the few plant based ways to get your vitamin D and are both anti-inflammatory and anti-viral.  


The more popular option for a lot of open breakfast sandwich, they’re a great source of good fats and omega-3 fatty acids and contains more protein and less sugar than most fruits keeping you full for longer.

The base: Ideally a dense sourdough bread toasted to your liking

  • I’m using a sourdough rye as my base (you can use any sourdough bread)
  • X2 large handful of fresh spinach or x2 frozen spinach cubes
  • Mushrooms (you can use shiitake, I’m using large flat but you can use any)
  • 1 medium ripe avocado
  • Mash and spread avocado over toast
  • Sautee the spinach in butter with x2 cloves garlic (or more), pinch of salt and other seasoning (mixed herbs if desired with some citrus juice).
  • Add to the toast and do the same for sliced mushrooms and add this layer to the top.


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